State Farm
About : NEW ADDRESS--> 16559 State Route 706 Montrose, PA 18801. Located right on Lake Montrose between Sandra Majors and Emberz restaurant.
Description : If you need reliable and trustworthy service, call a representative at the Tim Carpenter State Farm Agency today!.
16559 State Route 706 # 1A, Montrose, PA 18801-7717
Phone: 570-278-HELP
Fax: 570-278-9708
Distance: 14.8 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Has anyone seen the construction on our new building? Its located right on Lake Montrose between Sandra Majors Law Office and Emberz restaurant. Also if youre coming from our current building on High School Road, its the first house on the right after the stop sign.
The big move is approaching! Construction is still in gear but we will remain at our current location until further notice! Also, phone numbers, and the mailing address will remain the same.
The autumn leaves have offcially changed colors! This only means one thing; Halloween is approaching. Hope everyone has exciting plans for the holiday!.